An International Money Transfer Operator (IMTO) is a company approved by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to facilitate the transfer of funds from individuals or entities residing abroad to recipients in Nigeria. Cross-border money remittances into Nigeria by any financial institution are regulated by the CBN. Therefore, any person or entity desiring to provide inbound cross-border money remittance in Nigeria is required to be licensed as an IMTO with the CBN. Under the previous regime provided by the Guidelines on International Money Transfer Services in Nigeria, 2014, IMTOs were able to engage in both inbound and outbound international money transfer but this is no longer the case following the new Guidelines issued by the CBN in January 2024 which restrict IMTOs only to inbound international money transfers.
To obtain an IMTO license in Nigeria, an applicant must meet specific eligibility requirements. These requirements would usually include share capital, policies and other documentary requirements.
The key regulatory framework applicable to IMTOs in Nigeria is the CBN Guidelines on International Money Transfer Services in Nigeria, 2024. These Guidelines outline the permissible and non-permissible activities for IMTOs, requirements to obtain IMTO license, etc.
Permitted Operations for IMTOs
IMTOs are now permitted to process only inbound international money transfer transactions. This means that IMTOs can only accept and transfer monies to persons resident in Nigeria or render money transfer services towards family maintenance or in favour of foreign tourists visiting Nigeria, etc.
Non-Permitted Operations
IMTOs are prohibited from engaging in outbound transactions and purchasing foreign exchange from the domestic foreign exchange market for settlement. IMTOs are strictly limited to the permitted activities and any activity beyond the permitted operations is prohibited.
Procedure for Obtaining IMTO License from the CBN
The application for IMTO license is made in two stages which are Approval-in-Principle (AIP) and Final Approval.
- Approval-in-Principle
An applicant of an IMTO license is required to first apply to the CBN for the grant of an Approval-in-Principle. The application is made to the Director of the Trade and Exchange Department of the CBN. At this stage, the applicant is required to pay a non -refundable application fee to the CBN and submit the required supporting documentations. The documents required for the purpose of obtaining Approval-in-Principle include:
- Approval to operate in other jurisdictions or agency agreement
- Evidence of tax clearance and incorporation documents in Nigeria
- Ownership structure of the IMTO
- Board of Director’s approval to operate international money transfer services
- Profile of the company which shall include the Curriculum Vitae, biodata and contact details of the board and management of the company.
- Credit reports on shareholders and other key officers obtained from a licensed credit bureau
- Minimum share capital requirement of $1,000,000 (One Million USD) for foreign IMTOs and the equivalent in Naira for local IMTOs.
- Any other information or documents as may be required by the CBN.
The CBN will review the application together with the supporting documents and decide whether or not to grant Approval-in-Principle. The grant of Approval-in-Principle by the CBN does not authorize the commencement of business operations but only allows the applicant to proceed to open bank account and process pre-operational requirements and processes.
- Final Approval
No later than three months of obtaining Approval-in-Principle, an IMTO is required to apply to the CBN for a final approval to enable it commence business operations. To obtain final approval from the CBN, the applicant must submit the following information and documents to the CBN:
- Names of Authorized Dealer Banks
- Detailed business plan which addresses the nature of business, internal control systems and monitoring procedures, security features, three years financial projections, illustration of transaction flows, dispute resolution mechanism, information technology policy, etc.
- Enterprise risk management framework
- Business continuity plan
- Project deployment plan
- Any other information which the CBN may require.
If the CBN is satisfied that the applicant has met the requirements for the grant of a final licence, a licence shall be granted for a period of one year.
Renewal of IMTO License
IMTO licenses are subject to renewal annually upon the payment of the license renewal fee to the CBN on or before 31st January of the year. The CBN allows the IMTO’s agent bank to cease further transactions with the IMTO where the IMTO fails to make a copy of its renewal license available to the agent bank within the first quarter of the year.
Prohibited Entities
The prevailing CBN IMTO regulations prohibit all banks and financial technology (FinTech) companies from providing IMTO services. However, banks can act as agents to IMTOs. The implication is that banks and FinTech companies cannot apply to the CBN to obtain IMTO licenses.
Under the previous IMTO regulatory regime, banks and FinTech companies were eligible to obtain IMTO license and provide IMTO services.
International money transfer services in Nigeria are regulated by the CBN and it is required that IMTO license is obtained from the CBN before any person or entity can provide international money transfer services in Nigeria. The CBN has set the minimum shared capital and documentations required for applicants of IMTO license in Nigeria. Banks and FinTechs are prohibited from operating an IMTO License.
IMTOs can now only engage in inbound international money transfer services and are prohibited from outbound money transfers. IMTO license is processed in two stages of “Approval-in-Principle” and “Final Approval”. The IMTO license is valid for one year and subject to renewal on or before the 31st of January each year.
Please note that the contents of this article are for general guidance on the Subject Matter. It is NOT legal advice.
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